Orchestra Sign Ups End 8/18!

Here at Dealey all of our students have the wonderful opportunity to learn a stringed instrument during their elementary years if they wish. Playing the violin, viola, cello, or bass can be a skill that lasts them a lifetime and can provide wonderful opportunities in teamwork, leadership, and goal-setting in addition to the benefits that participating in music provides. These are all skills needed for the 21st Century!

Students may begin at any point in their elementary years. 1st grade is a good time to start only if students have had a lot of exposure to music and are good at following directions and are self-motivated. 2nd grade or later is a great time for all other students to begin. Please fill out this form if your child is interested in participating in Orchestra for the 2023-24 school year.  This will only help me know which students to make sure and ask once we get started. I will give each child an official sign-up form on the first day of their orchestra class. Please speak with your child if this is something they’re interested in before signing them up. There is a $25 rental fee for the year plus materials cost. There are scholarships available ensuring that everyone who wants to participate can.

Class sizes for Lower Elementary will be capped at 14 per homeroom. Priority will be given to 3rd graders and students who have participated in orchestra previously. Mrs. Russell will email you during the first week of school if your child will not be able to participate due to class size. Your child will be placed first in line to participate next year. If you do not receive an email, your child will be able to participate this year!

No prior experience is needed, but a willingness to learn and concentration are necessary.  Keep an eye out for an email regarding parent clinics for new Lower Elementary students and student clinics for new 4-5 students.

Private lessons are highly encouraged. If you have questions, please reach out to [email protected] or check out the Dealey Orchestra Website at www.dealeyorchestra.com (this is still currently under construction, but please check back la


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